Blackstone Unlimited: Audiobooks

New! With Blackstone Unlimited you have a collection of always available audiobooks including classic and best-selling authors. Once you've created an account, download and use the app, or listen in your browser.

Using Blackstone

Blackstone items can be searched for and checked out from our Online Catalog. Check out our Searching and Digital Checkouts tutorials for more information.
You can check out up to 10 audiobooks at a time. The Blackstone Unlimited Audiobook collection features popular titles that are always available – no holds needed.

Get the App

If you have a smart phone or tablet, you can download the app with the links below. Once signed in, your account will sync between devices.
Available on iTunes Available on Google Play

Signing In (Register)

Once you've got the app, you will need to register. You can do so in the app, but it's probably easier from the Blackstone website. Look for the Create an Account button; you might need to click Sign In first. Fill out the Registration form and that's it. Once you're registered your account is linked to the MFRL Catalog allowing you to easily check Audiobooks out for free.

Digital Libraries

Everything you need to get started with our Digital Libraries
Use with your library card.
Don't have a card? Get a Library Card here.

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