Freading: eBooks
In addition to their fiction titles, Freading has a great selection of non-fiction, such as Lonely Planet Travel Guides, Cookbooks, Self-help and more.
Using Freading
You can check out 6 books per week, and keep each book for two weeks. While there's no waiting for a book to be available, there is a wishlist, for when you've already checked out the max for a week.
Get the App
If you have a smart phone or tablet, you can download the app with the links below.
Once signed in, your account will sync between devices. If you have a Kindle Fire you'll need to take a few extra steps to
install the app, detailed in the Freading FAQ.
Dedicated eReaders
For dedicated eReaders you can save the book to your computer and then use Adobe Digital Editions to transfer it to your device.
Signing In
To Sign in, all you need is your Library Card number and PIN. Downloading eBooks is so easy.
If you're still having trouble check out our Niche Acadamy Course on Freading
Digital Libraries
Everything you need to get started with our Digital Libraries
Use with your library card.
Don't have a card? Get a Library Card here.
Got the App and your card? Head to Freading and get reading.
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